Palliative care in COVID times

Palliative care is really the essence of all good medical care. It is the reinstatement of the humane aspects of medical care and is complementary to all medical specialties, a common thread running through the total care of all patients. Distressing physical symptoms like pain, breathing difficulty, restlessness(delirium) and others can be well relieved or palliated with medicines in consultation with the specialists.
In the present scenario, in case you have patients at home who are bedridden, post stroke, post-surgery, chronically ill, terminally ill patients and you find it difficult to take care of them at home, please do not hesitate in getting palliative care support.
You can call Dr Prince John (Palliative and Geriatric care Physician) to know more about what PallEx Hospital can offer. Ph: 9011754649 or mail or call on 020-41095000 / 020-41095002.