Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) in the Elderly

Until Mom lived with us, I didn't know signs of a UTI in her. One morning Mom was up early and smelled of urine. She was agitated and angry but insisted she felt fine. A doctor and a urine test confirmed a UTI. A week of antibiotics cleared up the UTI, anger and agitation. This confirmed how Mom acted out pain although she could not communicate it verbally. This is a common phenomenon with Alzheimer’s. It is important that a caregiver learns how the person they care for communicates pain to them. Once nailed that down, you will be able to assess problems and deal with them immediately. A co-worker cared for an elderly mother with no cognition problems. She took her to the doctor for a UTI, brought her home and left to pick up her prescriptions. Her mother passed away while she was at the drugstore. UTI’s in the elderly can be fatal very quickly and must be addressed as soon as one is even suspected. If getting the person, you care for dressed and to a doctor’s appt is difficult, check with your doctor about accepting an OTC test. If UTI’s occur regularly, also discuss keeping a script for antibiotics available at home in case of a UTI over a holiday or weekend. Don't give up looking for answers.